Things You Should Know About Food Additives and Ingredients

Since ancient times, ingredients have served useful functions in a wide variety of foods. For centuries, our ancestors used many additives and ingredients such as salt to preserve fish and meat. They also preserve fruits by using sugar, pickled vegetables like cucumber in the solution of vinegar, added spices and herbs to perk up the flavor of many foods, and used sugar to preserve fruits. In this modern era, customers want and take pleasure in enjoying a food supply that is safe, colorful, nutritious, affordable, and flavorful. It is made possible to a great extent with the help of food ingredients and additives, along with the extreme support of technology as well.

Today, over thousands of ingredients are used to make and sustain food items for many days. Many of these ingredients are readily available in our locality and we use them very frequently like baking soda, vanilla, yeast, colors, sugar, and spices.

Some customers have deep concerns about ingredients and additives used in food because when they see unfamiliar chemical name on the label of the product, they think it as some very complex chemical compound. But, what they don’t know is that everything we eat- whether a freshly-picked fruit or a homemade baked cake- contains chemical compounds that determine its color, texture, nutrient value, and flavor. People should know how to read labels of the products as that will give them information regarding the kind of additives and ingredients used and how much safe they are for your consumption.

Food additives perform a wide range of functions in foods that a customer doesn’t even know. They are basically used to maintain safety and freshness of the food as well as in improving its nutritional value. They are also used in improving texture, taste, and appearance of the food. One of the major food additives is potassium sorbate which is also called as white salt and is very much soluble in water.

JUSTCHEM is a professional manufacturer and supplier of food ingredients and additives and has been operating since 1992. They have been involved in the quality production of food additives manufacturing and supplies them across the globe. They provide professional support for beverage industry and meat processing industry among countless others. They have many additional departments to ease the processes of working with them such as network engineering, international sales, general affairs, after-sales service etc.


At present, JUSTCHEM is one of the leading suppliers of the food additives, preservatives, and ingredients in the world. Their main category includes egg yolk powder, non-dairy creamer, vanillin, and vital wheat gluten etc.

 For further information, visit


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